
Stacking allows you to save additional subfolders, when you want to organize assets. Anchorpoint supports stacking based on incremental saves and image sequences.

Creating referenced files#

This is also called publishing. You can also create a referenced file from an incremental version stack, which you can then load in other projects. In Cinema 4D, for example, this is an XREF, in Maya a referenced model and in Blender a link.

In Anchorpoint you have to activate this function in the actions first. Go to the Workspace Settings / Actions and activate Create References File. Then you get Create Referenced File as context menu entry.

You can set in the settings (if you click on the gear) if the referenced files should be placed in a special folder and if an appendix (i.e. a _published) should be added to the file name.

After executing the action, a source file attribute is also created, which contains the name of the original file.

Using relative filepaths#

Instead of using absolute filepaths to create your referenced file, you can also use relative ones, starting with a “../”. For example

  • “../” will save your file to the parent folder

  • “../published” will save your file to a folder called “published”, which is in the parent folder

  • “../../” will save your file in the parent folder of the parent folder. This will basically go two folders up.