User Interface#


class anchorpoint.Dialog#

Creates an Anchorpoint styled Dialog that can be used to display arbitrary user interfaces within Anchorpoint. A dialog consists of rows of interface elements, a title and an icon. This makes it possible to build very simple dialogs where each element starts in a new row.

Create a Dialog with a title and three rows (a text label, an input field, and a button):


>>> dialog = anchorpoint.Dialog()
>>> dialog.title = "My Custom Dialog"
>>> dialog.add_text("First Row")
>>> dialog.add_input("Second Row")
>>> dialog.add_button("Third Row")

The dialog also allows any number of elements to be lined up in a row. You can also use the ‘tab escape character’ to add a horizontal tab to the layout.

Create a Dialog with a title and two rows were the first row consists out of two elements:


>>> dialog = anchorpoint.Dialog()
>>> dialog.title = "My Custom Dialog"
>>> dialog.add_text("First Row: ").add_input()
>>> dialog.add_button("Second Row")

Most Dialog elements allow the registration of callbacks that are called when the value was changed by the user. A callback can be a simple python function that takes two parameters, the Dialog and the value of the Dialog element.

Register a callback that is triggered when the input element is changed by user input:

>>> def my_callback(dialog: anchorpoint.Dialog, value):
>>>     print ("Input has changed:" + value)
>>> dialog = anchorpoint.Dialog()
>>> dialog.add_input(callback = my_callback)

A button callback takes only one parameter, the Dialog (because the value would always be True):

>>> def my_callback(dialog: anchorpoint.Dialog):
>>>     print ("Button Pressed")
>>> dialog = anchorpoint.Dialog()
>>> dialog.add_button("OK", callback = my_callback)

Of course, you can also register a lambda as a callback:

>>> dialog = anchorpoint.Dialog()
>>> dialog.add_button("OK", callback = lambda dialog: print("Button Pressed"))

A very common scenario is a Dialog that shows several inputs to the user. The script is evaluating the inputs when the user is clicking an “OK” button. You can assign variable names to most Dialog elements so that you can easily retrieve their values at any point in time:

Show multiple input fields to the user and evaluate them when the user clicks the “OK” button:

>>> def button_callback(dialog: anchorpoint.Dialog):
>>>     input = dialog.get_value("input_field") # Retrieve the dialog value again by using the variable name "input_field"
>>>     task = dialog.get_value("task") # Retrieve the dialog value again by using the variable name "task"
>>> dialog = anchorpoint.Dialog()
>>> dialog.add_input(var="input_field") # Assign a variable named "input_field"
>>> dialog.add_dropdown("Animating", ["Rigging", "Animating"], var="task") # Assign a variable named "task"
>>> dialog.add_button("OK", callback = button_callback)

You can register a callback using the callback_closed property that gets triggered whenever the Dialog closes. This is usually a good place to store Settings, if required:

Show a Dialog with an input field. Store the input value when the Dialog is closed.

>>> def dialog_closed(dialog: anchorpoint.Dialog):
>>>     settings = apsync.Settings()
>>>     settings.set("input", dialog.get_value("input"))
>>> dialog = anchorpoint.Dialog()
>>> dialog.add_input(var="input")
>>> dialog.callback_closed = dialog_closed

Alternatively, you can assign the Settings object directly to the Dialog. By that, the Dialog reads and writes directly to the Settings.

>>> dialog = anchorpoint.Dialog()
>>> dialog.add_input(var="input")
>>> dialog.callback_closed = dialog_closed
>>> settings = apsync.Settings()
add_text(text: str, var: Optional[str] = None) anchorpoint.DialogEntry#

Adds a text element to the interface. Basic HTML syntax is supported

  • text (str) – The text

  • var (Optional[str]) – Assign a variable name to the text that can be used to hide the text, for example


>>> dialog = anchorpoint.Dialog()
>>> dialog.add_text("<b>Hello World</b>")
add_input(default: str = '', placeholder: str = '', callback: Optional[Callable[[anchorpoint.Dialog, object], None]] = None, var: Optional[str] = None, enabled: bool = True, browse: Optional[anchorpoint.BrowseType] = None, browse_path: Optional[str] = None, password: bool = False, width: int = 200, validate_callback: Optional[Callable[[anchorpoint.Dialog, object], Optional[str]]] = None) anchorpoint.DialogEntry#

Adds an input field to the interface.

  • default (str) – The default text that is shown when the dialog shows up

  • placeholder (str) – A placeholder text that is shown in an empty input field

  • callback (Callable[[anchorpoint.Dialog, object], None]) – A callback that is triggered when the input field content changes

  • var (Optional[str]) – Assign a variable name to the input field that can be used to retrieve the value from the Dialog again

  • enabled (bool) – Set to False to disable the interface element

  • browse (Optional[anchorpoint.BrowseType]) – If set, shows a ‘browse’ button right beside the input field. Set to anchorpoint.BrowseType.File to ask for a file input or anchorpoint.BrowseType.Folder for a folder input

  • browse_path (Optional[str]) – If not set, the browse utility opens in the users home location

  • password (bool) – Set to True to enable password mode

  • width (int) – The width of the input field. Default is 200

  • validate_callback (Callable[[anchorpoint.Dialog, object], Optional[str]]) – A callback that is triggered when the input field content changed and needs validation. Return a reason if the input field is not valid.


Provide a callback to get notified on changes
>>> def my_callback(dialog: anchorpoint.Dialog, value):
>>>     print (value)
>>> dialog = anchorpoint.Dialog()
>>> dialog.add_input("My Default Value", callback=my_callback)
set_browse_path(var: str, path: str) None#

Sets the default browse path for the input field.

  • var (str) – The variable name of the input field

  • path (str) – The path to set as default


>>> dialog.set_browse_path(var="my_input", path=my_path)
add_info(text: str, var: Optional[str] = None) anchorpoint.DialogEntry#

Adds an info element to the interface. Basic HTML syntax is supported

  • text (str) – The info

  • var (Optional[str]) – Assign a variable name to the info text that can be used to hide the info text, for example


>>> dialog = anchorpoint.Dialog()
>>> dialog.add_info("Lorem <b>ipsum</b> dolor sit amet")
add_checkbox(default: bool = False, callback: Optional[Callable[[anchorpoint.Dialog, object], None]] = None, var: Optional[str] = None, enabled: bool = True, text: str = '') anchorpoint.DialogEntry#

Adds a checkbox element to the interface.

  • default (bool) – True, if the checkbox should be checked, False otherwise

  • callback (Callable[[anchorpoint.Dialog, object], None]) – A callback that is triggered when the check state changes

  • var (Optional[str]) – Assign a variable name to the checkbox that can be used to retrieve the value from the Dialog again

  • enabled (bool) – Set to False to disable the interface element

  • text (str) – The text to display next to the checkbox


Provide a callback to get notified on changes
>>> def my_callback(dialog: anchorpoint.Dialog, value):
>>>     print (value)
>>> dialog = anchorpoint.Dialog()
>>> dialog.add_checkbox(True, callback=my_callback)
add_switch(default: bool = False, callback: Optional[Callable[[anchorpoint.Dialog, object], None]] = None, var: Optional[str] = None, enabled: bool = True, text: str = '') anchorpoint.DialogEntry#

Adds a switch element to the interface.

  • default (bool) – True, if the switch should be enabled, False otherwise

  • callback (Callable[[anchorpoint.Dialog, object], None]) – A callback that is triggered when the switch state changes

  • var (Optional[str]) – Assign a variable name to the switch that can be used to retrieve the value from the Dialog again

  • enabled (bool) – Set to False to disable the interface element

  • text (str) – The text to display next to the switch


Provide a callback to get notified on changes
>>> def my_callback(dialog: anchorpoint.Dialog, value):
>>>     print (value)
>>> dialog = anchorpoint.Dialog()
>>> dialog.add_switch(True, text="Enable Feature", callback=my_callback)
add_dropdown(default: str, values: List[Union[anchorpoint.DropdownEntry, str]], callback: Optional[Callable[[anchorpoint.Dialog, object], None]] = None, var: Optional[str] = None, enabled: bool = True, filterable: bool = False, validate_callback: Optional[Callable[[anchorpoint.Dialog, object], Optional[str]]] = None) anchorpoint.DialogEntry#

Adds a dropdown element to the interface.

  • default (str) – The preselected entry in the dropdown

  • values (list | list[DropdownEntry]) – The list of entries in the dropdown

  • callback (Callable[[anchorpoint.Dialog, object], None]) – A callback that is triggered when the selected entry has changed

  • var (Optional[str]) – Assign a variable name to the dropdown that can be used to retrieve the value from the Dialog again

  • enabled (bool) – Set to False to disable the interface element


Provide a callback to get notified on changes
>>> def my_callback(dialog: anchorpoint.Dialog, value):
>>>     print (value)
>>> values = ["Modeling", "Rigging", "Animation", "Rendering"]
>>> dialog = anchorpoint.Dialog()
>>> dialog.add_dropdown("Modeling", values, callback=my_callback)
add_button(text: str, callback: Optional[Callable[[anchorpoint.Dialog], None]] = None, var: Optional[str] = None, enabled: bool = True, primary: bool = True) anchorpoint.DialogEntry#

Adds a button element to the interface that the user can press.

  • text (str) – The text that is displayed on the button

  • callback (Callable[[anchorpoint.Dialog], None]) – A callback that is triggered when the user pressed the button

  • var (Optional[str]) – Assign a variable name to the dropdown that can be used to retrieve the value from the Dialog again

  • enabled (bool) – Set to False to disable the interface element


Provide a callback to get notified on changes
>>> def my_callback(dialog: anchorpoint.Dialog, value):
>>>     print (value)
>>> entries = ["Modeling", "Rigging", "Animation", "Rendering"]
>>> dialog = anchorpoint.Dialog()
>>> dialog.add_dropdown("Animation", entries, callback=my_callback)
add_separator() anchorpoint.DialogEntry#

Adds a visual separator to the dialog.

add_empty() anchorpoint.DialogEntry#

Adds empty space to the Dialog. This can either be used to indent an entry or to create a new line.


>>> dialog = anchorpoint.Dialog()
>>> dialog.add_empty().add_text("Indent")
>>> dialog.add_empty()
>>> dialog.add_text("I am in a new line")
start_section(text: str, foldable: bool = True, folded: bool = True, enabled: bool = True) anchorpoint.DialogEntry#

Starts a new section. Set foldable=True to make the section foldable and set folded=False to unfold the section by default. Use end_section() to close the last opened section

  • text (str) – The section header

  • foldable (bool) – Toggles whether or not the section is foldable by the user

  • folded (bool) – Toggles whether or not the section is folded by default

  • enabled (bool) – Set to False to disable the interface element


Add a folded section with a button element inside it
>>> dialog = anchorpoint.Dialog()
>>> dialog.title = "My Custom Dialog"
>>> dialog.start_section("Advanced Features", folded = True)
>>> dialog.add_button("An Advanced Button")
>>> dialog.end_section()
end_section() anchorpoint.DialogEntry#

Ends the past opened section, see start_section()

show(settings: apsync.Settings, store_settings_on_close: bool)#

Helper for @overload to raise when called.

Shows the Dialog to the user. You can optionally provide a Settings object to persist the user input.

>>> dialog = anchorpoint.Dialog()
>>> dialog.add_text("Hello Anchorpoint Users")
>>> settings = apsync.Settings()
show(settings: apsync.SharedSettings, store_settings_on_close: bool)

Helper for @overload to raise when called.

Shows the Dialog to the user. You can optionally provide a SharedSettings object to persist the user input.

>>> dialog = anchorpoint.Dialog()
>>> dialog.add_text("Hello Anchorpoint Users")
>>> settings = apsync.Settings(project.workspace_id, "Blender Action Settings")
close() None#

Closes the Dialog.


>>> def button_callback(dialog: anchorpoint.Dialog):
>>>     dialog.close()
>>> dialog = anchorpoint.Dialog()
>>> dialog.add_button("Close Me", callback=button_callback)
get_value(var: str) object#

Gets the current value of the dialog entry as identified by the assigned variable name ‘var’.


Checks the value of a dropdown when the users clicks the OK button
>>> def button_pressed(dialog: anchorpoint.Dialog):
>>>     print("The selected task is: " + dialog.get_value("task"))
>>> dialog = anchorpoint.Dialog()
>>> dialog.add_dropdown(default="Modeling", values=["Modeling", "Animation"], var="task")
>>> dialog.add_button("OK", callback=button_pressed)
set_value(var: str, value: object) None#

Sets the value of the dialog entry as identified by the assigned variable name ‘var’.


Sets the text value of a button when a dropdown value is changed
>>> def dropdown_changed(dialog: anchorpoint.Dialog, value):
>>>     if value == "Blender": dialog.set_value("button", "Create Blender File")
>>>     elif value == "Photoshop": dialog.set_value("button", "Create Photoshop File")
>>> dialog = anchorpoint.Dialog()
>>> dialog.add_dropdown(default="Blender", values=["Blender", "Photoshop"], callback=dropdown_changed)
>>> dialog.add_button("Create Blender File", var="button")
set_enabled(var: str, enabled: bool) None#

Toggles whether or not the dialog entry is enabled. A user cannot interact with a disabled dialog entry.


Enable the OK button if an input field is not empty.
>>> def input_callback(dialog: anchorpoint.Dialog, value):
>>>     dialog.set_enabled("ok", len(value) > 0)
>>> dialog = anchorpoint.Dialog()
>>> dialog.add_input(callback=input_callback)
>>> dialog.add_button("OK", var="ok")
hide_row(var: Optional[str] = None, hide: bool = True) None#

(Un)hides the entire row of dialog entries.


Hide the OK button as long as the input field is empty
>>> def input_callback(dialog: anchorpoint.Dialog, value):
>>>     dialog.hide_row("ok", len(value) == 0)
>>> dialog = anchorpoint.Dialog()
>>> dialog.add_input(callback=input_callback)
>>> dialog.add_button("OK", var="ok")
store_settings() None#

Stores the Settings or SharedSettings that are used by the Dialog. This is required when store_settings_on_close is False.


>>> def button_callback(dialog: anchorpoint.Dialog):
>>>     dialog.store_settings()
>>>     dialog.close()
>>> settings = apsync.Settings()
>>> dialog = anchorpoint.Dialog()
>>> dialog.add_button("Close Me", callback=button_callback)
>>>, store_settings_on_close=False)
property title: Optional[str]#

Sets the title of the dialog.



property icon: Optional[str]#

Sets the icon of the Dialog.



property icon_color: Optional[str]#

Sets the icon color of the Dialog.



property callback_closed: Callable[[anchorpoint.Dialog], None]#

Register a callback that is triggered when the Dialog is closed. This is usually a good place to store Settings, if required


typing.Callable[[Dialog], None]

class anchorpoint.BrowseType(value: int)#


File : The open dialog is filtering for files

Folder : The open dialog is filtering for folders


class anchorpoint.UI#
show_success(title: str, description: str = '', duration: int = 4000) None#

Shows a success toast message within Anchorpoint

  • title (str) – The title of the toast

  • description (str) – The description of the toast

  • duration (int) – The duration (in ms) the toast is shown to the user


>>> ui = anchorpoint.UI()
>>> ui.show_success("Computation Finished", "The answer is 42!")
show_error(title: str, description: str = '', duration: int = 4000) None#

Shows an error toast message within Anchorpoint

  • title (str) – The title of the toast

  • description (str) – The description of the toast

  • duration (int) – The duration (in ms) the toast is shown to the user


>>> ui = anchorpoint.UI()
>>> ui.show_error("Computation Failed", "The answer is NOT 42!")
show_info(title: str, description: str = '', duration: int = 4000) None#

Shows an info toast message within Anchorpoint

  • title (str) – The title of the toast

  • description (str) – The description of the toast

  • duration (int) – The duration (in ms) the toast is shown to the user


>>> ui = anchorpoint.UI()
>>> ui.show_info("Computation has started", "The answer is most likely 42")
navigate_to_folder(folder_path: str) None#

Navigates the Anchorpoint browser to the provided ‘folder_path’


folder_path (str) – The folder to navigate into


>>> ui = anchorpoint.UI()
>>> ui.navigate_to_folder("C:/Users/JohnDoe/Documents")
create_tab(folder_path: str) None#

Creates a new tab in the Anchorpoint browser.


folder_path (str) – The folder the new tab will open


>>> ui = anchorpoint.UI()
>>> ui.create_tab("C:/Users/JohnDoe/Documents")
open_tab(folder_path: str) None#

Opens (create + navigate) a new tab in the Anchorpoint browser.


folder_path (str) – The folder the new tab will open


>>> ui = anchorpoint.UI()
>>> ui.open_tab("C:/Users/JohnDoe/Documents")
reload() None#

Reloads the current view of the Anchorpoint browser.


>>> ui = anchorpoint.UI()
>>> ui.reload()
replace_thumbnail(file: str, thumbnail: str) None#

A helper function that replaces the thumbnail for both the browser (preview) and the detailled thumbnail (detail). Can be used instead of attach_thumbnail()

  • file (str) – The file the thumbnail should be set for

  • thumbnail (str) – The path to the thumbnail that should be set. The Thumbnail is downscaled for the preview


>>> ui = anchorpoint.UI()
>>> ui.replace_thumbnail("path/to/my/file", "path/to/my/thumbnail")
replace_thumbnail_tool(file: str) None#

Invokes the replace thumbnail tool, which allows the user to take a screenshot that will be used as a thumbnail


file (str) – The file the thumbnail should be set for


>>> ui = anchorpoint.UI()
>>> ui.replace_thumbnail_tool("path/to/my/file")
show_busy(file: str) None#

Enables a spinning wheel on the file for the Anchorpoint browser to indicate that the file is being processed.


file (str) – The file that is being processed


>>> ui = anchorpoint.UI()
>>> ui.show_busy("path/to/my/file")
finish_busy(file: str) None#

Stops the spinning wheel on the file for the Anchorpoint browser. Use it after show_busy()


file (str) – The file to stop the spinning wheel for


>>> ui = anchorpoint.UI()
>>> ui.stop_busy("path/to/my/file")
show_console() None#

Shows the command console to the user. A handy tool when developing actions.


>>> ui = anchorpoint.UI()
>>> ui.show_console()